Below you can view all the homes for sale in the Fox Den subdivision located in Statesville North Carolina. Listings in Fox Den are updated daily from data we receive from the Charlotte multiple listing service.

To learn more about any of these homes or to receive custom notifications when a new property is listed for sale in Fox Den, give us a call at 704-807-8656.

2 Results

Fox Den Statesville North Carolina Homes For Sale

Fox Den For Sale $399,990

Exterior view showing the front of the house with a two-car garage and a well-maintained lawn at 107 Megby Trl, Statesville, NC 28677
Exterior view showing a white two-story home with a covered front porch and a well-maintained lawn at 107 Megby Trl, Statesville, NC 28677
Exterior view of a two-story home with a covered front porch and nicely landscaped front yard at 107 Megby Trl, Statesville, NC 28677
On Market For 34 Days
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Amenities for the pool and tennis courts are an additional $50/month. Golf course community! ! Costello Real Estate and Investments LLC.

Fox Den For Sale $399,990

Inviting two-story home with a large garage, well-manicured lawn and sidewalk at 111 Megby Trl, Statesville, NC 28677
Beautiful blue home with a two-car garage and classic white trim at 111 Megby Trl, Statesville, NC 28677
Bright dining area with hardwood floors, modern lighting and neutral paint at 111 Megby Trl, Statesville, NC 28677
On Market For 33 Days
  • Bedrooms


  • Full Bath(s)


  • Sq. Ft.


  • Year Built


  • $/SqFt


Community amenities for the pool and tennis courts are an additional $50 a month. Costello Real Estate and Investments LLC.

  • 1

Area Stats

These statistics are updated daily from the Canopy MLS. For further analysis or to obtain statistics not shown below please call Highgarden Real Estate at 704-807-8656 and speak with one of our real estate consultants.


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(704) 807-8656